Dame te ata

Dame Te Ata was bred for the late Maori Queen. It was a great honour to be at the ceremony with six hundred guests when this rose was presented in her honour.
Dame Te Ata has masses of deep purple blooms which age to lavender tones. The flowers are borne in large clusters throughout the season and have an unforgettable fragrance. Spent blooms self clean helping to make Dame Te Ata an easy care variety. The plant is well clothed in matte green foliage that complements the flowers well.
Classification: Shrub
Flower Colour: Purple
Flower Size: 70mm
Petal Count: 20
Hight: 80 - 90cm
Habit: Spreading and Compact
Fragrance: 5
Disease Resistance: Good
Year of Release: 2008
Introducer: Glenavon Roses Ltd.
Fragrance guide 1 = Little or none; 5 = Very Strong